PlayStation VR: everything you need to know

PlayStation VR is a virtual reality glasses for the PlayStation 4, which works with the PlayStation Camera and PlayStation Move controllers. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this VR headset.

This PlayStation VR

Before we knew the PlayStation VR headset as we know it, the unit went through life as Project Morpheus. The PSVR connect you directly to the PlayStation 4 console, of which there is now over 35 million sold. This results in the virtual reality headset having a big advantage because there are already many people who have the necessary basic hardware. That is in contrast to the oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, both of which must be connected to a high-end computer gaming, which is more expensive than the glasses.

You can not just connect PSVR on your PS4 console. For that, you need an adapter, which is supplied with the headset. You place the headset on the head so that the eyes can access the screen in the container first. Also, there are a number of sensors in the hardware, which, for example, are able to measure the movements of the head. You can also connect headphones to the headset which is also included in the package. Unfortunately, not everything is in the box that you can buy at the end of this year in the store.

PlayStation VR has some necessary accessories to work. You need the PlayStation Camera (sold separately), and in any case, the PlayStation DualShock 4 controller (you get one when you buy a PlayStation 4 will also be sold separately), or the PlayStation Move controllers (sold separately) and you also need chairs made for gaming in which you can sit comfortably and play your favorite games. There will be games that will work with both the DualShock 4 as Move controllers. There will probably also games that will exclusively work with the Move controllers.

The design of the VR PlayStation

Compared to the other major players in the virtual reality market, PSVR looks tighter and more futuristic. This has more to do with the white, black and blue colors used, but also with the rounded corners and the LED lights on the glasses. Those lights do not just look very cool but are also used for something. PlayStation Camera can follow the PSVR by the LEDs. The headset weighs 610 grams, dimensions of 187 by 185 by 277mm and people wearing glasses can also use the headset.

PlayStation VR – display specs and hardware

PlayStation VR features a 5.7 inch OLED screen with a resolution of 1080p. That is a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels (920 by 1080 pixels per eye). This is one screen and not two screens, as is the case with Oculus Rift. The viewing angle is one hundred degrees, which is more than the competition. In addition, the headset is able to put up a refresh rate of 120Hz (one hundred and twenty frames per second). But for this, Sony uses a technique that doubles 60fps.

The headset has also Sony’s six-axis motion sensing system. This system consists of a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer. Sony reports that the latency is eighteen milliseconds, which is quite low. In addition, the headset itself can convert 3D audio and players can choose the image to display both on TV and in the glasses. There is a Cinematic Mode, which can view movies and series and play conventional PlayStation 4 games. There are two HDMI output, an HDMI input, a USB and auxiliary ports available.

Many games coming to PlayStation VR

Over the years, Sony has released a lot of accessories for its game consoles, including the EyeToy for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Move for PlayStation 3. The former is an augmented reality camera that makes a controller of the body of the player and the second is a Wii Remote-type controller, which was technically better than what Nintendo offered at that time. While both accessories had enough games to their name, it appears that the PlayStation VR for PlayStation 4 spans the crowns.


That was told by Richard Marks, Sony responsible for the Move and VR, in an interview. That said, the amount of games for Move will also increase when the PSVR is out since the controllers can be used with the VR glasses (such as the Touch Controllers of the Oculus Rift). At present, two hundred thirty developers are working on video games for the PlayStation VR. Fifty games are going to appear at the end of this year, with another at least 110 games that are coming.

PlayStation VR is suitable for thirteen years and older

So far there is little mention of the minimum age children should have before they get to work with a virtual reality headset. Samsung has already set a minimum age. Children who are thirteen years of age may simply use the Gear VR headset. And it seems that Oculus wants to set the same age limit for the Oculus Rift. Sony will also maintain this limit, it is clear from the release notes of the upcoming 3:50 firmware update for the PlayStation 4, from the health and safety section.

Playstation VR Pricing and Availability

Sony has announced during a presentation at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco that the PlayStation VR will be available from October 2016 at a price of $399. If you already have a PlayStation 4, it’s a bargain for a virtual reality headset. Even if you have yet to buy a PS4, then you are in relatively still cheaper when you compare these prices with those of the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, both of which require a decent PC in order to play their games.


However, there are some side notes. The price of $399 is without the DualShock- and Move controllers and the PlayStation camera which you need. Which you will therefore still have to buy separately. Sony has chosen this because many PlayStation owners have such a camera or the Move controllers. Anyone who buys a PSVR headset, incidentally, will be provided with a special demo disc with VR experiences. Also, The Playroom VR is free to download.

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