Google Home

Google wants to conquer your living room with Google Home, a friendly looking little speaker that can help you with answering questions and keep you up to date with important information, appointments, and more.

Google will help you through the day

Google has long been prominent in smartphones and tablets, but besides the Chromecast, it has still a lot to win in your living room. Google Home should change this. Google Home is a small white speaker who is constantly listening to you. By saying “Ok Google”, you activate the speaker, then you can ask everything to the gadget.

The voice assistant has to take advantage of Google Assistant, a direct competitor to Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. You can ask anything with the Assistant to Google, from the weather to booking movie tickets and scheduling new appointments.

Buy Google Home
Google Home

Google Assistant is beside Google Home also available on smartphones and tablets, and will be slowly getting smarter the more you talk to it. Thus Google Home in turn becomes again smarter, because the two are inextricably linked.

Google stresses that you can have a full conversation with Home that goes beyond the voice commands that you now speak out against such assistants. For example, a simple search can be further refined with follow-up questions.

Because Google Home has a built-in speaker, you can also use it to play music wirelessly directly from your Android or iOS device. There is support for several popular apps like WhatsApp, Spotify, and Uber.

Google Home availability and Price

Google Home is currently only available in the United States for $129. The device can be purchased from Google Store or retailers like Best But and Target.

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