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Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale


Brief specifications

Display Digital
Weight Range 100 g
Analysis software Yes (online)
Measuring body fat Yes
Measurement muscle No

Using the body analysis, the scale measures your body fat percentage. The BMI measurement reflects the relationship between your weight and height. With the Fitbit app for your smartphone, you can watch your measurements and set a personal goal. You connect the scale periodically with your Fitbit activity tracker. Through user profiles, your values are assessed on personal characteristics such as age and height. The scale does not measure your content, bone mass, and muscle mass. Your router must support the 802.11b Wi-Fi protocol in order to connect the scale to your Wi-Fi network.
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Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale Description

The Fitbit Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale looks like a regular digital scale, but is not! The thing about this Fitbit Aria scale is that you can attach it to your Fitbit activity tracker and synchronize with the Fitbit apps. As a result, your body fat percentage, BMI, and weight is displayed in clear graphics and have it always at hand. In total, the scales can store up to eight people. Don’t be afraid that others can see your weight. Through your account, this information is only for yourself. The app lets you define goals for yourself. In achieving your goal, you earn a batch. You can also share each goal reached with your friends.
The Fitbit Aria is not suitable for use if you have a pacemaker!

Included in the package

Download the Fitbit app

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free+
Developer: Fitbit LLC
Price: Free
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